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Building Foundations with KFerg

Helping You Gain A Better Understanding of God's Word

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” - 2 Timothy 2:15


Dig Deeper to Get Stronger

The most important part of any structure is the foundation that it's built on. You can't erect walls, install the roof or install utilities and finishes unless you have a stable building pad to work from.

Just like it's critical to make sure your building's foundation is correct, in order to make sure you are building a strong relationship with Christ, you have to make sure your foundation is rooted in His truth... the Word of God. These pages are to help to encourage you to dig deeper (make sure your soil is right), put the right foundation in place (you real, relevant, accurate knowledge of God's Word), and establish a strong structure so you'll be able to live the life God is calling you to live!

Let’s Connect

Dissecting the Fruit

One of my co-workers once told me that we have to 'slow down in order to speed up'. This saying means that sometimes the best way to most...

Shot Put Your Thoughts!

If you think back to your elementary school days, you'll probably remember your teacher calling out the phrase 'reading comprehension' a...


Houston, TX, USA

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